Monday, August 22, 2011

She's Gone!

Hello readers, it's been a while.  I have some terribly sad news to share, my mom has left me and I fear that she has left me for real this time.  Let me go back and explain whats been going on in my life for the past few weeks.  About three weeks ago my mom took me on a car ride but I was suspicious due to the fact that she brought my bed, my kennel, my leash, food, several toys and one of those barbaric gates meant to keep canines "in their respective place." So after about 30 minutes we arrived at our destination.  I went inside with my mom and immediately was bombarded by a monstrous canine named Boomer. He was huge, at least 200 pounds and 10 feet taller than me.  Panicked I sprinted around the room but it only spurred him more.  Further panicked, I clawed at my mom to pick me up and save me.  Mom stayed for a little while and I rotated between snarling at Boomer and curling up in her lap.  Then abruptly she got up, walked to the car and left something very important behind - me.

Now that first night was torture.  My caretaker informed my mom how I wandered the house the entire night crying and crying.  I was inconsolable, I had no interest in sleeping in her huge bed, I was much happier wallowing in my misery and effectively keeping her up all night.  Over the next two weeks I adjusted to the loss of my mom but honestly I hadn't really given up hope until the day my grandma showed up to take me home, and my mom wasn't with her.  Though even then I wasn't entirely convinced, obviously she would be at home.  Once we arrived I sprinted up the stairs full speed, barreled around the corner and into her room.  My heart plummeted, she wasn't there.  For the next two days I cried somewhat regularly.  In my angst I destroyed a few things and stole a few more, but nothing helped  - not even when I ferociously took on the zucchini plant in the backyard.  I think, much to my horror, my mom really is gone.

The beginning of my depression

Being forced to shower with Boomer, wishing
my mom would save me.

My realization that she's never coming back. 

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