Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Life of a Jet-Setting Puppy, Part A.

Hello dear readers, I know I know - I've been gone far longer than I anticipated.  Almost a month which is both inconsiderate and neglectful of my fan base.  All I can say is that I had to turn my attention elsewhere. So back to my life and what's been happening.  After finals were over my mom and Aunt Heather reached a decision clearly spurred by lack of logic and pure idiocy. They decided to move their entire apartment on their own in essentially one day. Fools, what undeniable fools.  Luckily for them their waif-like friend helped out, but as I just said - she is a waif so it was a shoe by shoe process.  Now here is the best part, they did ALL this work to move basically DOWN THE HALL.  And now for the worst of it -- they had no regard for how their decision would affect Mochi and I. It was particularly cruel to do to me as I had no time to recover from my sympathy stress (induced by finals, see previous post).  Moves are upsetting for canines, especially for a canine as stupid as Mochi - there is just no way she can comprehend what is going on, while I was able to ultimately contain much of stress. Given my high intellect, I surmised that we were moving so I slept for the first 5 hours while Mochi paced and cried.  Though I have to admit, my strength and resolve began to waiver about 5:00 pm when moms room was nearly empty and I began to wonder, would she take me with her?? She did of course.  The new place is nice, though moms room is smaller and unfortunately her bathroom is separate which makes laying on the rug watching her shower very difficult because she is forced to close the door. Its terrible. I naturally figured out we had a new place immediately, Mochi from last I heard still runs to the other apartment.

SO after a huge move and unbeknownst to me, yet again, mom decides to make ANOTHER move and this one was just beyond traumatizing.  She put me on a plane and shipped me across the country, AGAIN.  Thank god this time she didn't force me to fly in a sweater but nonetheless it was upsetting and I have a hunch that mom wasn't surrounded by luggage and terrifying noises for 5 hours.  I have to admit though...the move was somewhat worth it, I have a yard and my own playhouse and there's an abundance of bugs just begging to be tracked and destroyed as my prey.

I don't have any photos yet from this summers activities but here is a short sampling of what I have to come.

Lots of running on the deck

working on my butterfly time

Fighting with my nemesis: Mick. [while simultaneously
trying to steal Beth's lounge chair]. 

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