Saturday, April 2, 2011

Life Lesson #1- Be Organized!

There are some things life that are essential and organization is one them.  I'm not exactly sure where I got my unbelievable organization skills because my mom is a border-line hoarder, so you can cross genetics off the list of possible sources.  My best bet is years loyally following the Today Show.  Anyhow,  I try to bring organization into my every day life and I also do my very best to mold my mom's behavior in hopes that she too will jump on this train.  She and I are in this constant push-pull.  Mom has a tendency to keep a laundry basket full on clean clothes on the floor and it will take her literally a week to put them where they rightfully belong; the closet and her dresser.  SO I thought, hey why not help the ol'bird because clearly she can't do this on her own.  Thus I began to remove items from the laundry basket as I saw fit, a pair of socks here and there, some skivvies, towels and sometimes a shirt.  This is where the push-pull comes in because she thinks I'm taking them for fun - as if I actually enjoy chewing on socks and underwear, please thats practically the most absurd thing I have ever heard.  Anyhow I have to admit the project has failed, every time I remove an item from the basket to try and show her to put it away she just squawks and bats her bird wings at me as she runs to grab the item.  The craziest part is she then puts the item BACK in the laundry basket! Why, WHY not take that opportunity and put it in the drawer or the closet, again where it belongs??! I just don't get it.  After some reflection I decided to alter my strategy and lead by example.  Maybe if she can actually see how I keep my life organized, she too will figure it out.

My prized possessions - kept in an orderly fashion
on the window ledge.  See how easy it is mom??

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