Sunday, March 13, 2011


Helpless AND in my bra-
Please spare me your mockery. 
Eight days and 14 hours ago I was abandoned by the person I love most in the entire world, the person who I follow everywhere, the person I watch shower, the person I stare at out the window while standing on the table as she bikes to school; my mom.  I knew something was up when she pulled out her hideous red hard-top luggage and began putting in her various fur coats (or at least I assume thats what humans wear on their bodies).  I began to feel uneasy as I watched her carefully fold strappy things and various scented items and place them into the red hard-top luggage.  So naturally I did what any logical dog would do, I got inside the luggage. But that didn't stop her, she just gave me a sad knowing look.  The next day I thought things were looking up because she asked if I wanted to go on a car ride, I leapt 3 feet in the air all the while screaming YES in my mind. Duh, I love care rides - I'm a dog.  Dogs like to get in the car and let their ears flap in the wind, its what we do.  Anyway, I was totally 100% digging the car ride, especially when I realized we were going to Santa Cruz where my dad lives and where the DOG BEACH is, aka the best place on earth.  I almost wandered off with a suspicious vagabond homeless-esque man one time but thats a different story (lets just say that Mom came sprinting and went into total lame mom mode).  Anyhow we got to dad's house and I took off inside to say hi.  I love dads house because he has a backyard where on your average day I'll sniff for 30 to 45 minutes, roll in the grass and eat things I've found under the porch.  I've gotten stuck before which was mildly traumatizing but soon the tantalizing smells of the creatures living under the porch trumped my fears and I was back to business as usual.  Back to my story, that day I wasn't able to go outside because some man was doing my job - cutting the grass.  Thats another hobby of mine, grazing on grass until I'm sick to my stomach.  So I proceeded to cry and cry, I wanted to go outside so badly.  When I was finally able to go outside I'd play for a while then my desire to see my beloved mom would overcome and I'd come barreling back inside.  Each time she was there, thus you can see why I thought the whole hideous red luggage incident was no longer a concern.  Mom, dad and I then went to lunch. Well actually dad got his hair cut and mom bought lunch, she ate it in the car with me and fed me some of dad's rice because she said she was repulsed by the idea of eating raw fish in a barber shop - something ridiculous like "with all the hair flying around that place its bound to settle on my lunch." Her anxiety was lost on me though, but  then again I eat grass clumps and things found under the deck so clearly she and I have a different culinary preference.  SO dad eventually came back with his hair freshly chopped and we hit the road! So exciting! Before I knew it we were back at me and moms apartment..which I found odd.  And then the horror of what was about to become my reality struck me.  Mom was getting out of the car and I wasn't.  I did everything I could, I whined, I stood with both paws on the car door and stared at her but she coldly turned her back and walked away.  What followed was the worst week of my life, life where I had been abandoned by my mom - again.  Dad must have felt bad for me, knowing she wasn't coming back and all so to lift my spirits he took me to get my learners permit and taught me to drive.

Cruisin the streets. 

1 comment:

  1. Diggy you are such a gifted writer. Thanks for being my comic relief.
